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Updated: Jul 5, 2020

Medical Instrumentation Project- Canadian crutches

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Design quote

Bruce Nussbaum / Design, in the end, was designed to create better things for people. Along the way, it also generates better profits.”

Work process..

This project is very special. A group project is forming between the students.

In collaboration with a pediatric rehabilitation hospital in Jerusalem, ALIN Hospital. There we did a tour where we met face to face with the sweetest kids of all ages. Our goal was to solve existing problems that restrict those children. So after the tour, we were assisted by HILA and Sam, responsible for addressing medical device problems for children. So after researching and investigating what problems the children are having, unfortunately there were quite a few.

And we found that the crutches those kids areUsers are no different from any other crutches we know: stiff, cold, metallic, daunting and unpleasant to the eye. We decided to focus on the visibility of Canadian crutches. To give the child a feeling that he is no stranger or different from other children. Not only different but more special, pleasing to the eye, inviting, suitable for a young and childish environment.

We started with sketches and sketches of the visibility of the crutch. We moved on to a transformative change, which was subjected to a standard bending engineer test. Then we moved on to the sensations by hand, accessories and 3D printing of apps of various and varied sets.

The serving was amazing. Loved the product very much. And ALIN Hospital has taken it a step further.

Maybe one day you'll see a bunch of kids with a kid hanging around with a crutch like that.

Health for all of us.

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